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Southcrete™ 1100 Crack Suppression and Waterproofing Membrane is a two-part, trowelable, thin, load-bearing membrane system for use under thin-set and thick bed mortar installations. Southcrete™ 1100 Crack Suppression and Waterproofing Membrane may be used to reduce transmissions of existing cracks through ceramic tile, marble, and terrazzo floors. It can also be used for residential and commercial applications where complete waterproofing is required. Applications include vertical or horizontal, both interior or exterior (over properly prepared concrete), mortar beds, cementitious backer units, APA exterior grade plywood (interior use only), existing ceramic tile, and drywall.
Install only when temperature is at least 50°F (fifty degrees Fahrenheit) but not to exceed 90°F (ninety degrees Fahrenheit). Do not use over any of the following:
Not to be used to cover over existing control expansion, construction cold, or saw-cut joints. Do not use in areas subject to inclement weather within 48 hours after installation.
Floors must be twenty-eight (28) days cured and free of moisture. All areas to receive application should be free of any wax, oil, dust, or paint overspray. Follow ANSI specifications to ensure proper preparation. Plywood floors must be constructed within tile industry standards and must be APA exterior grade. All areas subject to application should be flat. Wet and exterior installations should ensure proper slope (pitch) to drain away from structure. Approximately ¼ inch per foot.
Using a clean container, add one (1) part powder to one (1) part liquid by weight. Combine powder to liquid gradually; mix until a completely consistent, homogenous mix is obtained.
Apply mixture liberally with flat side of trowel, ensuring that all surface areas are covered leaving no voids or pockets. Re-trowel over entire area with additional material using 3/16 inch v-notched trowel at a 45-degree angle to surface. Do not penetrate first coat to substrate with notched trowel. Ensure that 100 percent coverage has been obtained. Again, using the flat side of trowel, smooth over edges left by trowel, so that a flat continuous layer approximately 45 mils. thick exists. Periodically check with wet film gauge for thickness, making sure that there are no bubbles or voids in the membrane after curing. Should any imperfections appear, apply a second coat. Note: Exterior applications, especially in colder climates should not allow water to collect (puddle), which could possibly result in failure.
For hairline shrinkage cracks that are ? an inch or less, apply mixture liberally with flat side of trowel forcing mixture into cracks. Re-trowel over cracks so that a flat continuous layer of approximately 45 mils. thick exists. Apply membrane approximately six (6) inches wide. On cracks larger than ? an inch or any joint susceptible to movement such as expansion, control, cold, or seismic joints, treat in the following manner:
Before laying ceramic tile or dimension stone, mark joint with chalk to avoid installing tile over the joint. Caulk joint once tile has been installed and properly cured; consult sealant manufactures directions for specific details. For joints that exceed ? inch, clean joints and install open or closed cell foam polyethylene, rounded at the surface, to contact sealant. Sealant must not bond to backup material.
Flashing must be installed at all locations where the horizontal plane meets vertical abutments such as columns, curbs and any surface penetrations. Flashing should be done prior to the application of the membrane and allowed to set for thirty (30) minutes. Reinforce all seams and abutments by embedding six (6) inch wide fiberglass mesh into the membrane. Make sure fiberglass is completely covered with membrane and has an approximate three (3) inch overhang on either side. The membrane should continue three (3) inch beyond fiberglass mesh and overlap fiberglass mesh three (3) inches wherever there is a seam, and both inside and outside corners where two walls meet.
The membrane must cure a minimum of 72 hours prior to water testing. Plug drains and dam area to be tested. Fill the area with water and allow a minimum of 24 hours to check for leakage. Place a mark on the wall or surroundings to monitor the water level for leaks. Allow 24 hours before checking for any loss from marks showing the level of the previous day. Some leaks will be apparent by air bubbles. If the level has dropped, thoroughly check around the drain and all points of flashing. Contact SGM for additional recommendations.
Meets ANSI A118.10 for bearing, bonded, waterproof membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimension stone installations.
Allow membrane to cure 72 hours prior to water testing for leaks. Tiles may be installed as soon as four (4) to six (6) hours after application, depending on atmospheric conditions. Install tiles using a latex-modified mortar such as SGM Floor / Wall Gauged with Southcrete™ 25 Acrylic Mortar Admix.
This unit will cover approximately 75 sq. ft. using a 3/16 inch v-notched trowel.
Wear rubber gloves and protective clothing. EYE IRRITANT! Product is alkaline on contact with water. Use paddle for mixing to avoid splashing into eyes or contact with skin. During mixing or application, avoid contact with eyes. In case of such contact flood eyes repeatedly with water and CALL PHYSICIAN. Wash thoroughly after handling and before smoking or eating. Do not take internally. Harmful if swallowed. Do not induce vomiting. Call physician immediately. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CONTAINS: Acrylic Polymer Emulsion – C.A.S. 13983-17-0.
Product Information Sheet – English